Our basic Shotokan classes meet on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
Our young children’s Ninjas and Shoto Kids classes meet on Sundays and Tuesdays,
or Mondays and Thurdays.
These are the Dojo Kun: the guidelines of Shotokan karate, repeated by our students after each Shotokan and Shoto Kids class. This has occurred for generations in dojos along our lineage and throughout the world. They were distilled from the more elaborate Niju Kun by our founder, Gichin Funakoshi.
Seek Perfection of Character
hitotsu, jinkaku kansei ni tsutomuru koto
Be Faithful
hitotsu, makoto no michi o mamoru koto
Endeavor to Excel
hitotsu, doryōku no seishin o yashinau koto
Respect Others
hitotsu, reigi o omonzuru koto
Refrain from Violent Behavior
hitotsu, kekki no yū o imashimuru koto
The ultimate aim of the art of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants.” —Master Gichin Funakoshi, the Father of Karate-Do

Bruce Costa, Chief Instructor
For nearly five decades, Sensei Costa has studied Shotokan Karate and other disciplines with many of the world's most respected instructors. He is a passionate teacher, student of mindfulness meditation, and the father of three grown, professional, socially engaged children. Mr. Costa has taught at MIT, Princeton Adult School, and scores of public, private, and parochial schools. He is the author of Welcome To Karate: Unlocking the Wisdom of the Beginner’s Mind, which has received praise from high ranking instructors on six continents, and is given free with our Introductory Offer for Shotokan. You can read more about Sensei Costa, and download free chapters of his book, at BruceCosta.com.
The instructors at Granite Forest Dojo were invited by Sensei Costa not only for their knowledge of Shotokan Karate and their personal skill as black belts, but also because of their excellence outside the dojo. Each one of them is a talented professional, a superb parent, and a generous community member.

Barbara Conroy
Senior Instructor
Business Manager
Lead Children's Instructor
Sensei Barbara is known by her colleagues for her precise, refined techniques and by her students (of all ages) for fun, welcoming, and informative classes. Sensei Barbara is ranked Yondan (fourth degree black belt), owns a hair salon, and is the mother of two adult, professional daughters.

Joseph Quinn
Senior Instructor
Technical Director
Sensei Joe Quinn is responsible for our adherence to the refined techniques developed by our extensive lineage. Ranked 4th degree black belt, he is also a painter, designer, and user experience director. "I’ve come to realize how closely martial arts and visual art are tied together. Each day I strive for my karate and my artwork to be better than the day before." Like Mr. Quinn, his two grown children received their Black Belts at Granite Forest Dojo.

James Viscusi, Jr
Chief Medical Officer
Sensei Jim Viscusi offers elements of psychology and biomechanics to his physically demanding classes. He holds four-decade careers as an IT team leader for Oracle and an emergency rescue officer and SWAT medic, among other vital volunteer posts. With Sensei Costa, Mr. Viscusi rode in the four-man, GFD-supported team that raised $120,000 for pediatric tumor research in the "World's Toughest Bicycle Race," RAAM. He is the father of two successful adult children.

Wade Greim
Lead Facility Advisor
Sensei Wade Greim's intense passion for karate is as big as the laughs he produces in the dojo. His empathetic teaching style is all about empowerment and confidence-building. Mr. Greim has been a professional musician and electronic and audio technician for over four decades. He was lead foreman throughout the construction of our beautiful dojo, and is father to three extraordinary young men.

Terence Farrell
Black Belt Project Lead
Sensei Terence Farrell is a career U.S. Naval officer and a manager for a multinational Sustainable Habitat firm. He is a devoted husband, father of four, and jokester. With well over two decades of training, he is Granite Forest Dojo's longest running student, and is unsurpassed in his attendance of Kangeiko, our special winter training program.

Chad Wenhold
Sensei Chad Wenhold balances high technical skill with a knack for creating good rapport with young students. “According to my wife, it is because I am still a kid at heart,” he said. Happily married for decades, the Wenholds have two thoughtful children, Gillian and Evan. Both of them have achieved ranks at Granite Forest Dojo.

George McKnight
Chief Technical Officer
Sensei George McKnight is VP for Product Development for the successful software startup he helped found, and owns LizardTee, the innovative screen printing and embroidery company that creates all of Granite Forest Dojo's high-quality apparel. Mr. McKnight has made many contributions to our dojo family, including this website. He lives in the home his Grandfather was born in, and is the devoted father of Megan and Kodak. One's a high-achieving young woman, the other is a dog.

Shawn Aupperlee Instructor
Both Sensei Shawn Aupperlee's speed and caring nature are second to none in Granite Forest Dojo. He has trained in multiple styles of karate spanning nearly two decades, earning his black belt in each discipline. In Shotokan, Sensei Aupperlee holds the rank of Nidan, and mentors our young students toward personal excellence. He is happily married with a young, enthusiastic son who hugs all of us even more than Mr. Aupperlee does.

Tom Heckler
Sensei Tom Heckler routinely takes it upon himself to counsel all of our members, especially our younger students of advanced rank in his specialized Sunday advanced kata class. He is the father of two karate-practicing boys, the happy husband of a wonderful wife, and an avid golfer.